Preparing the ground before sod delivery:
• Dig up old grass, rake smooth, lime and fertilize with high nitrogen fertilizer (16-8-8 or 15-6-8)
• Put about 30 lbs of lime (pulverized limestone) to each 1000 sq ft and 10 lbs of fertilizer to each 1,000 sq ft.
• Mow at least 3 times before delivery and use grub control (spring time)
• After planted use Scott's 4 Step
• Mow high for about 2 or 3 weeks or when you can't pull up the sod.
• Water in the morning: to see how much, put container down when you get 3/4 inch of water that's enough. Water in about 2 to 3 days.
• Spray for grubs: September and April with Merit or Grub-X (Scott's) 6.2% Dylox...Crabgrass...Balan Pre- Emergent. Dursban - September and April Grubs. Fertilize 10-6.4 September